Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Little Game

The ads you see on the side of this blog are generated by Google based on the content of the blog. I am playing a little game to see if I can get certain ads to generate. You will notice in the next post (coming Monday) that I mention Colt's interest in running. My goal is to see if I can get an ad for running apparel to generate. Let me know if you notice one. So far I have seen ads for office furniture (based on my mention of the word "cubicle") and ads for all sorts of private investigators. (Go figure.) If this works, we could turn it into a fun game by dropping hints in the text and seeing if Google can figure them out.


  1. Nothing on running so far, but a lot on how to get better lighting!

  2. Yeah, I made one mention of LED running lights, and I get ads on parking lot lights. Go figure.

  3. I just saw an ad for Runner's World Magazine. It worked!


Feel free to add your comments. I will do my best to read all of them and incorporate a few of the ideas into the story each week.