Sunday, February 7, 2010

Our First Contest!

I am trying to get a feel for how widespread my audience is and you can help me out. Leave a comment below with your city and state and whoever is the furthest from me (except for my sister. Sorry Bekah) will get a special mention in the next chapter as the name of the Santa Barbara police chief.

If you are having trouble posting comments, make sure you click on the "publish comment" button a second time. It doesn't always work on the first try for some reason. You can also e-mail me at if you are not adept at commenting. I will post your comments for you.


  1. Well I don't count (whatever) but I'll list myself anyway:

    Dominican Republic

  2. Ronan, Montana
    Dean Brown


Feel free to add your comments. I will do my best to read all of them and incorporate a few of the ideas into the story each week.