Monday, March 22, 2010

Colt Crawford - Chapter 13 (Monday)

Krissy’s work schedule kept her busy. As a result she spent a lot more time out of her house than she did in it. On the bright side she was rarely in her house long enough to get it dirty, but conversely, she was rarely home long enough to get it clean. Early Tuesday evening, Krissy busied herself cleaning the kitchen while she waited for Colt to arrive.

The plan was for him to pick her up at home so they could drive to Chief Brown’s house for the big football game together. As she rinsed the few dishes that had been left out, she realized that she was nervous and it had nothing to do with making a social visit to her boss’s house. She was nervous about Colt.

Krissy couldn’t help but notice that her relationship with Colt could very easily turn into more than just a professional arrangement. There was something about him that was different from other guys. She could see it in his deep brown eyes each time he looked at her and she knew he could see the same thing in hers. An undeniable attraction existed between them and it was something that she was going to have to face.

The nagging thought that kept eating at her was the lack of any kind of faith in his life. Krissy had been raised in a Christian home and had made the decision to own that faith as her own while still a teenager. She intended to honor that decision her whole life, but with the addition of Colt in the picture, there was an added degree of complication. To Krissy, her faith in God was her highest priority. It was the reason for living. If Colt didn’t share that where would they find common ground?

Krissy’s hands mindlessly rinsed the dishes then settled them into the scarcely used dishwasher. Reflecting back on the last several days her mind sorted through countless thoughts and emotions. The file cabinet in her head was opening and closing drawers so quickly that Krissy couldn’t even keep up with her own thoughts. She had only known Colt for a weekend, but they had spent nearly every waking minute together. Her mind ping-ponged back and forth between what her head was telling her and what her heart was telling her. She knew that, despite all of Colt’s wonderful qualities, he was not on board with her spiritually and to get involved with him would be a recipe for heartache down the road. Then why did it feel so right to be with him?

“God,” she prayed, her head bowed above the kitchen sink. “Help me do the right thing.”

The doorbell chimed her out of her state of self-reflection and back into the moment. She glanced at the clock on the microwave. Right on time. Gathering up her coat and purse with trepidation and hope, she walked to the front door.

“This must be for you,” Colt said as he handed her an envelope. “It was taped to the door.”

She almost didn’t open it, but something compelled her to take a quick peek inside. As she read, Colt could see her face changing.

“Is there something wrong?”

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