Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Colt Crawford - Chapter 13 (Tuesday)

Krissy handed the note to Colt. He scanned it and realized that their investigation must be on the right track. “If this is from Jailene, she’s not nearly as smart as Mathis says she is.”

“If she’s stupid enough to threaten me, she’s stupid enough to follow through with it.” Krissy flipped the note over in her hands looking for anything that might tip her off as to where Jailene Arroyo might be hiding. “I can’t let her intimidate me, but we need to be careful. She’s got money, connections, and 25-to-life reasons to want us to stop digging into this.”

“We can forget about it for now. As long as we are on our way to watch a football game, she’ll think we dropped it. We are safe for tonight.” Always the gentleman, Colt offered his arm to Krissy. With a slight blush she gently placed her hand inside his elbow and walked toward the car.

Chief Brown’s house was located about five miles inland and was situated high atop one of the countless hills that lines the Santa Barbara coast. The view of the city lights and ocean below was spectacular as the road weaved its way up the bluff. The outside of the house presented an older, more modest facade, but it was deceptively simple. Given the hillside construction, the main entry was actually on the upper floor. The lower floor, which was not visible from the street, was built into the cliff and offered breathtaking views of the ocean far below.

Colt rang the doorbell and listened as the chime played inside the home. The chief himself, dressed in civilian attire, answered the door with his wife by his side. “It’s so good to see you again, Krissy,” Vicki Brown said as she gathered Krissy into a matronly embrace. “Please, come in.” Chief Brown extended his hand and Colt met him halfway. His grip was firm and friendly.

“The game’s about to start. We have plenty of food and lots to drink, so make yourself at home.” The chief escorted his guests through a wide hallway and past the recently remodeled kitchen. Tucked into the back corner of the house was a large informal living room lined with floor to ceiling windows along the back wall. A flat screen TV hung on one side and a large sectional couch was nestled into the opposite corner allowing anyone who sat upon it to take in a football game and the impressive view at the same time.

“My guess is that Florida is going to have this thing won by half-time,” Chief Brown announced as the opening kickoff sailed across the vivid screen and into the hands of a Florida player. “You asked me about my health earlier, so clearly you have been busy detecting something. That’s what you detectives do, right?” Krissy nodded. “I’ve been at this game long enough to know when something is going on. What is it you are looking into? I have nothing to hide.”

“Krissy, feeling as if she really could trust the man began. “You were seen associating with one of our key suspects and we need to clear your name in order to continue with the investigation.”

The chief looked surprised. “And who is this suspect of yours. I do try to avoid the criminal element in my social life. It’s bad for P.R.”

Krissy explained that she and Colt had seen Chief Brown at Mathis’ office and that she had recalled his suspicious extended vacation a few year back. She really wasn’t employing any interrogation techniques at the moment, rather she was talking to a friend.

“As I said, I have nothing to hide...anymore,” Brown said with a sigh of resignation. “Two years ago I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I kept it a secret while I was undergoing treatment so as to not disrupt the flow of things within the department. I preferred my privacy during that time. I’m fine now. As for Mathis, I only know him because I bought my boat from him. We’ve been friendly ever since. He’s a bit odd, though, so I’m not surprised if he has a side I haven’t seen. What exactly are you suspecting him of?”

“He’s a yacht broker by day and a bookie by night. We think the attacks we are investigating have to do with attempts to collect on unpaid balances,” Colt said.

The conversation continued off and on through out the first half of the game. By half-time, the chief’s prediction was right on. Florida was up 17-3. “You sure you haven’t put a little wager on this game, Chief?” Colt asked with a grin.

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